Sunday, December 31, 2006

Brooklyn Radiodingles

Far be it from me to see an attractive lady's picture on the internets and to not click on it. This very mentality has gotten me into plenty of virus trouble throughout the years. Somnambling my way through this old bitch of zeros and ones, peering through tiny portals at those intangible worlds of Amazonian or Ikean products gets tiring. A man must recreate.

Perusing through the racks of Brooklyn Radio I discovered that this very website, whose path of glory I helped weed and tend for a few words or two, is not simply a website filled with gossip and garbage about blip festivals. This website has a quiver filled to the brim with sharp and splendid radio shows (as the name implies, no doy). So! I clicked. I clicked on little miss DJ Robyn's (as seen above) webdio show (podcast I guess).

Whats this? A cute tiny little white girl playing mostly reggae? God that's sexy. Now, I don't claim to be a reggae connoisseur. I'm about as close to being a ball and cup connoisseur, and thats far far far. Don't worry though, I know good music when I hear it. The December 11th show is a mixture of Soul, Reggae, a sprinkling of hip-hop and a little little beard rock. Ms. Robyn is the talented creator of the "Thunder Chicken" mix tape as fanfared in Fader magazine.

I would suggest listening to this fine young lass' show because I've been listening for, ohh *checks watch* 45 minutes now and there seriously hasn't been a single dud. Download it! Share it with your friends!

Aside: get me her phone number too.

more show reviews to come!

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